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Chris Lynch

Chris Lynch is a writer, technologist, digital marketeer, film-maker, comic book guy, part-time hypnotist, foodie, and general nuisance.

For the past few years, Chris has been writing Doctor Who spin-off stories in the "Haisman Universe" featuring characters such as Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart, Lucy Wilson, monsters such as the Quarks and the Great Intelligence, and a few of his own creations. Chris' first book for the "Lucy Wilson Mysteries" series "Curse of the Mirror Clowns" was short-listed for a Scribe Award in 2019.

When Chris isn't working on books, he also writes screenplays, comic books, and audio dramas. His most recent screenplay, OffWorld, is currently in post-production with a major US distributor attached.

Once a week Chris is co-host of an online radio show/podcast "Soundclash" on South Wales ONE. From time to time, you can also find him at live South Wales ONE community and charity events.

By day, Chris is IT Director for a major InsureTech business in South Wales and, prior to that, was CTO and founder of the a leading digital agency specializing in eCommerce and bespoke solutions. Chris enjoys writing about technology and digital marketing, with particular reference to how these intersect with writing and how authors can better market themselves online. In 2018, Chris wrote ["The Truth About SEO"], a guide to digital marketing for business owners that became a number 1 Amazon Best Seller in a number of categories.

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Welcome to Neverbury

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Since the book forced its way into the world last month, we've been bouncing up and down in Amazon's horror charts and its been great to receive a few early reviews of the book. If you've already bought the book and are working your way through it, I really hope you're enjoying it. When you're done, please do consider leaving a review on Amazon - reviews have a huge impact on how easy it is for new readers to discover a book. (I mean, unless "Welcome to Neverbury" wasn't your cup of tea. If that's the case, a deeply British awkward silence is appreciated)

A book I never expected to write, never expected to publish, and never for a moment thought that people would be so enthusiastic about... came out about a month earlier than I expected. Perhaps the goblins at Amazon were working extra hard. Perhaps I forgot the difference between June and July. Perhaps, like the tentacled sky god itself, this thing just insisted on being born.

If you've ever fancied trying your hand at writing science fiction or time travel stories, I'll be running a workshop at These 3 Streams on June 10th discussing that very topic! I'll be talking about writing for both children and adults, the complexities of time travel stories, and the intricacies of working with licensed properties.

It was a dark and stormy night. Somewhere. For me, it was a clement Friday afternoon in Aberystwyth as I found myself wandering along the promenade, chatting with writers and crime fans, wearing a felt dragon around my neck like a Wales Tourist Board endorsed version of Flava Flav. It was the start of Gwyl Crime Fest and this would probably be the least strange thing that would happen to me this weekend...

I had a great visit to the Forest Feastival this week. Nestled amongst the trees on the Merthyr Mawr estate, it's a magical enclave of music and food that springs into life a few months of the year. There are multiple sessions during the day, family-friendly daytime slots and "adults only" evenings. The Feastival was busier this year than it has been in previous years in my experience and it's great to see the event expanding. I've been before and I'm going twice this year but if you're a first-timer, here are my recommendations...

I’ve come to the conclusion that how impressive you think a piece of AI is directly correlates to your level of expertise in the skill that the AI is emulating (AIs don’t have skills, in my opinion – they emulate them by shredding, blending, and regurgitating the work of others).

The United States Copyright Office (USCO) has reversed an earlier decision to grant copyright on a comic book that was created using “A.I. art,” and announced that the copyright protection on the comic book will be revoked, stating that copyrighted works must be created by humans to gain official copyright protection.

Once upon a time, three witches sat around a cauldron. Their names were Embrace, Extend, and Extinguish. They were the three merry witches of Microsoft and under the silvery light of a crescent moon, they were casting a spell to rid the world of their mortal foe – open-source software.

I’ve had my eye on Mastodon for a while. When I was last revamping my website, there was a time when I was considering running a Mastodon server as a place to host my own “microblog”. I love microblogs but I’m always wary of putting all my content on someone else’s platform – so over-investing in Twitter, Tumblr, or Instagram has never sat well with me. With my fellow writers running around like people looking for lifeboats off the Titanic as Twitter threatens to sink (either offline or into some kind of terrifying hellscape), I’m feeling a little vindicated that I’ve always tried to keep my audience on platforms where I have a degree of control.

I saved this image when I first saw it back in October. Since then, Elon Musk has bought Twitter, and in the days and weeks that have followed the acquisition, there has been a crash in advertising revenue, mass layoffs, and an exodus of users. Amongst those losing their jobs are content moderators who have been at the forefront of the battle to keep misinformation and hate speech off Twitter.

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